What We Do Best
Fix 404 Errors

The term 404 error is a common thing for web surfers across the globe. The Not Found or 404 is an HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) error message in general computer network communications. There could be certain webpages on your website that turn into a 404 and do not serve the visitor in a desired way. If a visitor is trying to find specific information on your website and couldn’t access that particular page due to 404 errors, then you’ll have to suffer from customer dissatisfaction and lower amount of visitors. Therefore, the Not Found errors can be a huge trouble for any online store.
Fixing 404 Errors is essential in order to continue getting the required number sales from your potential customers. We’ve a systematic technique to identify and resolve all the ‘Not found’ error messages on your business website. This error message can be visible in different ways such as 404 Error, HTTP 404 Not Found, The requested page wasn’t found on this server and similar ones. Fixing all 404 errors on your website is not a child’s play as it requires a lot of effort. Here’s what we do to get this fixed:
- Prepare a list of all 404 errors on client’s website.
- Use tried and true broken link tools to identify errors accurately.
- Redirect the ‘Not Found’ pages somewhere else.
- Restore webpages that have been deleted accidently.
- Correct the source link to get a 404 page back to life.
- Keep track of 404 pages to keep customers coming on your website.
Clients need their websites to run smoothly 24/7 without putting any visitor into trouble. Fixing 404 errors can make sure that every visitor reaches the page he wants. Eventually, this will result into increased website traffic and sales which is a great sign for the positive business growth.